Saturday, August 1, 2009

RIAA Suing Student for $675,000!

Now, this being a "music" blog as well, I felt that I had to mention this story. Basically, a student, Joel Tenenbaum, is being sued for $675,000 by the RIAA for illegally downloading 30 songs. Now, if the math is done, that's $22,500 per song!..... WHAT!?......

To me, this is just absurd. There is no way that 30 songs can require damage reparations upwards of $20,000 each, from some kid who just wanted some music. Granted, he did do something illegal, but the punishment here doesn't seem to fit the crime. Clearly, this kid has to file for bankruptcy now. So what is the RIAA saying??

"If you take any music from us, we'll take all your money...well all of it we don't already have."

Its not like this kid was selling illegal copies of music at $1,000 a pop; he was just listening to them, as I'm sure most of you are listening to illegally downloaded music reading this right now.

It just makes no sense.


Anonymous said...

Actually Kuz, he posted 30 songs on a free file-sharing site. Obviously a much greater offense, because he was distributing them for absolutely no profit...

Not as bad as that girl who got fined $1.97 billion for only posting 22 songs online I suppose...

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