How many guitars do you have? One? Two? Seven? None?
Regardless of how many you may or may not have, how many is too many? Don't get me wrong, I do love my guitars (all five of them), but do I really need six different guitars? My answer: Of course.
Each one of my guitars does something, or produces sounds that the others cannot. For example: I have two strat-style guitars, but one has a humbucker in the bridge.
Single coil sounds? check.
Then I have a semi-hollow telecaster-style guitar loaded with two P90 soapbar pickups.
P90 and semi-hollow sounds? check.
Then there's the tried and true Les Paul.
Dual humbuckers? check.
Then of course, you have to have an acoustic.
Whats my point in all this blabbering about my gear? My point is that you only need enough guitars to be able to satisfy different tonal needs. Why would you need two Les Paul R8s in the same finish? (and yes, I've seen it) It just isn't necessary.
A fun little fact about a number of guitars: Over in the Harmony Central electric guitar forums, there is a thread attempting to count every guitar the users own. Right now the count is up to 4,562 and it gets bigger every day. That's a hell of a lot of guitars.
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